Our story.

The engineers at Flocca have 40 years of experience in the field of erosion and sediment control. They have been to your site, know your projects and they have been listening to you. Flocca’s development occurred due to feedback from industry – the need for a low cost, simple and reliable dosing system.
Flocca’s development is a result of our combined knowledge gained from watching how it works in the field. We have seen many sediment basins constructed and are glad to have seen construction techniques improve rapidly over the last few years as our and our client’s understanding of site constraints evolved. More importantly, the value of these basins as a clean water source is now becoming clear to many, which is a win for both your budget and the receiving environment.
Our latest Mark 2 version has evolved after extensive field testing of the Mark 1 units on real life (and your) sites, pretty much literally throwing rocks at it to see what can be improved. We have upgraded some of the parts and improved the display and software to make it even easier to use. The test results and experience have been translated directly into the new Flocca unit by insisting on different input options. We understood that no one-size fits all and that the dosing units need to be flexible enough to handle varying site conditions, where sometimes rainfall input works fine but on other sites flow input is much better.
In summary, we care about the environment and our mission is to assist you with keeping stormwater runoff from your site as clean as possible with a cheap and reliable dosing system that even we can use.