Our models.
Flocca Rain.
- Great budget option
- Uses rainfall tipping bucket to measure site rainfall and doses accordingly
- Best suited where the entire site can be drained to one basin
- Allows input of initial and continuing rainfall losses
- Will record rainfall totals and allow rainfall intensities to be determined, meaning savings in purchasing rain gauges and stations for site
The tipping bucket rain gauge measures rainfall depth in 0.2mm increments and sends the data to the Flocca control box. The control box uses that information, along with user inputs including catchment size, losses and dose rate and sends the information to the IBC outlet where a valve and flow meter control the precise amount of chemical released to the basin forebay.

Flocca Flow.
- Very flexible option that will suit many different site layouts
- Same essential components but uses ultrasonic flow sensor to measure the depth of flow through a pipe or channel into the basin forebay
- Allows for pumping between basins or water capture points onsite allowing automated treatment and release
- Can be mounted in stormwater pipe or above channel
The ultrasonic meter measures the depth of flow entering the basin forebay through a defined size pipe or channel. The Flocca controller unit converts this depth to a flow rate based on the pipe or channel size and grade.
Both systems use solar panels for power so they can be used on even the most remote sites. Flocca has an aluminium bracket that can be used to hang it off the frame of an IBC.

Ultrasonic beam measures depth of flow in known pipe diameter to determine flowrate.