Here are some answers to the most common questions we get asked about Flocca units. If you can’t find your answer here, contact us at [email protected]
The table below provides a guide on litres required per millimeter of rain per hectare of site. This is further clarified in the ‘Dosing Table’ document which you can find on our website. Note that this has been based on using 100ppm (parts per million) of chemical, which is a common rate when using ACH. This will depend on the jar test performed on your site. Consult with your chemical supplier for dosing rate in ppm.
Chemical Volume Estimate (L) per mm of rainfall (Note that the tipping bucket registers 0.2mm increments of rainfall. So it will take 5 tips of the bucket to register 1mm of rainfall.).
We have created an extensive trouble shooting guide that will take you through a number of checks to try and fix issues that have occurred in the past. Make sure you have enough chemical in the IBC and work through the trouble shooting, chances are it is a simple fix, which can be done onsite saving you time and money.